Change is a universal human experience and with it comes a multitude of experiences, emotions, and challenges. There are critical junctures in life, often referred to as life transitions, that bring about a significant amount of change for an individual due to quickly and vastly evolving circumstances. Some people find that they move through these transitions relatively easily, while others may require more support in adapting to the changes that may come. This article explores the concept of life transitions and how counseling for life transitions can help clients to build resilience and find positive personal growth during such periods of transformation.
WHAT ARE LIFE TRANSITIONS? The term life transition refers to a significant change in an individual’s personal, professional, or social life requiring one to adapt to new circumstances, responsibilities, or roles than previously held. Life transitions are often marked by important events but they can also occur as a result of unmet expectations for one’s life. Types of Life Transitions Anticipated life transitions are changes that you expected to happen. Because anticipated life transitions may allow for some level of predictability, an individual might experience a greater sense of control than for other types of life transitions. Examples of anticipated life transitions include graduating from high school, having a child, or entering into retirement. Unanticipated life transitions are changes in life that occur without notice and without the ability to plan. Unanticipated life transitions might include experiences such as the death of a close family member, an unexpected medical diagnosis, or the loss of a job. Non-event life transitions are changes we expected to occur in life but do not. Non-event life transitions stem from unmet expectations an individual might have for their life, for example, not having children when one expected to or not being able to retire at the anticipated age due to financial difficulties. Examples of Common Life Transitions Among many others, the following are some common types of life transitions that people might seek a counselor for:
Any considerable transition comes with acute stressors that may affect an individual’s mental health. The overarching goal of counseling for life transitions is to support the client in processing the change and navigating its effects in a way that is meaningful to them. Because people react differently to stress, there is no one size fits all method to counseling but sessions may often focus on building resilience and confidence while learning how to manage stress and its many effects on health and lifestyle for a better experience of the life transition. A counselor’s role in supporting positive coping mechanisms is important and ever-evolving. For those interested in advancing their knowledge of how to support such clients, the Kentucky Society for Clinical Social Work provides helpful continuing education trainings and events to help clinicians further their skills and education. Effective Strategies in Counseling for Life Transitions The following are common techniques used in counseling for life transitions to specifically target the challenging experience of and emotions surrounding major change: In order to increase adaptiveness and manage resistance, which is often a natural response to change, counselors can engage clients in techniques that promote resilience such as goal setting, reframing of unhelpful thoughts, practicing acceptance, and the development of problem-solving skills.
CONCLUSION There are a number of therapeutic frameworks and techniques that are helpful in treating clients moving through periods of significant change. Because change is an inevitable part of life, it is important for clinicians to understand how to support clients through major life transitions in meaningful and beneficial ways. Among other resources, the Kentucky Society for Clinical Social Work hosts peer supervision and support for clinicians through a monthly group, where counselors may seek advice for treating clients through major life transitions. --Peyton Fisher, MSW
The Biden administration unveiled a new student loan forgiveness proposal this week.
Across this and other loan forgiveness programs, 34,900 Kentuckians would be eligible for student loan debt relief. This program may be helpful to social workers and/or communities we serve. This new loan forgiveness plan is proposed as part of an update to the Higher Education Act. First passed in 1965, the HEA was intended to ensure that every individual has access to higher education, regardless of income or where they live. The HEA has been reauthorized and amended several times since 1965. Eligibility for this new program would fall into a few categories:
The federal government is inviting public comments on this proposal through May 17th. You can review the full plan and submit your comments online here. This week's blog is a combination of thoughts from the KSCSW practicum students and what Lobby Day meant to them this year:
Every Day is Lobby Day in Social Work (Post 1) Every year on Social Work Lobby Day, Kentucky social workers and social work students assemble at our state capitol in Frankfort to talk about policy, and to make our voices heard. Much of the work we do day-to-day is dependent on having laws and policy that support our mission to empower people who are vulnerable, and to improve the well-being of individuals as well as society as a whole. Some of the bills put forth in our current legislative session even impact our ability to learn, to teach others, and to advocate for our communities. The legislative process is complicated and challenging to navigate. Even when we do everything we can to be present and navigate the process within the rules, legislation may not be what we want. Laws that are harmful to our profession, or pose harm to the communities we serve, will pass out of committee and onto the House and Senate floors, and may even be voted into law by our elected officials. When one political party has a supermajority, as the Republican party currently does in the Kentucky legislature, they have the power to come together and pass any legislation they all agree on. As social workers, we must continue to engage our legislators not just on lobby day, and not just about bills that aren’t yet law, but year-round, to let them know how their policies are impacting Kentuckians. Through the eyes of a MSW student (Post 2) As a first year MSW student completing my practicum with KSCSW, I wanted to share a bit about my first ever Social Work Lobby Day. I carpooled with a colleague, and we arrived early in the morning to make sure we could find parking. After connecting with other social workers in the Annex cafeteria, the first thing we did was go to a committee hearing where two bills relevant to our clients and our profession were being presented. The first, Senate Bill 240, would allow foster parents who telework to be eligible for child-care benefits. Senator Armstrong (District 19) presented the bill, with testimony from an aspiring foster parent who telecommutes. After the Senator and the witness spoke, the committee chair opened for comments from individuals who had signed up to speak in this committee session. These folks, both licensed clinical social workers, had no opposition to the bill. The committee approved the bill unanimously with 8 votes to move ahead to the Senate. The second bill, Senate Bill 255, would establish legal standards around telehealth provided by social workers, despite the fact that the Kentucky Board of Social Work has already established regulatory standards. Senator Adams (District 36) presented the bill, along with testimony from an individual representing the Children’s Alliance. After the Senator and witness spoke, the committee chair did not open for comments from individuals who had registered to speak. In its current draft, the bill would present multiple challenges for social workers, and for the Kentucky Board of Social Work, but the committee chair did not allow anyone to voice opposition or concerns about the bill. The committee approved the bill unanimously with 8 votes to move ahead to the Senate. While legislators may not always give us the opportunity to speak, that does not mean we will be silent. After the committee meeting, board members from KSCSW gathered to draft a letter opposing the bill. Later that day, social workers and social work students from all over Kentucky gathered in the Capitol rotunda for a rally. Our professional organizations honored several Social Justice Stars, including: First Lady Britainy Beshear, Ethan Almighty and his person, for speaking out about the fact that individuals who abuse animals also abuse people. Ethan B for his work related to rescue pets. Representative Lisa Willner and Representative Lindsey Burke as the only licensed mental health professionals in the General Assembly. Darlene Thomas, MSSW of Greenhouse 17 for her advocacy for survivors of intimate partner abuse. Pastor Edward L. Palmer Sr. for his work across Kentucky related to diversity, equity and inclusion. Governor Andy Beshear also spoke and thanked social workers for our contributions. The rally in the rotunda was a fun opportunity for social workers to gather in solidarity and celebrate leaders in our community. It takes a lot of work and coordination to bring all of these people together, and it is very much worth it. Throughout the day, I found myself reflecting on how the Capitol is our building as Kentuckians. It is our house. The legislators sponsoring bills and voting for or against bills are elected officials who are there to serve us. The elegance, classic architecture, marble hallways and tall ceilings of the building can feel intimidating. But we belong there, and our voices do too. Through the eyes of a BSW student (Post 3) Social work lobby day was a very fun and rewarding experience. I was able to witness bills being passed, as well as the process of advocating for bills that I am opposed to. It was nice to see social workers come together as a team and recognize others who are active in the community for their hard work in bringing positive change and awareness to several situations. I felt honored to be able to speak in front of all social workers and students across the state by introducing myself and expressing my goals as a future social worker. Finally, it was very inspiring to hear how Governor Andy Beshear recognized and appreciated all social workers and his goals for them in the future. A 2023 Gender and Politics study by PRRI found that half of Americans feel strongly that there are only two genders. Science, and the diverse experiences of intersex individuals, tells us otherwise. Experts estimate that up to 1.7 percent of people are born with intersex traits, meaning their biological sex does not neatly fit into typical definitions of either male or female.
While we generally think of female as a genetic “XX” and male as “XY,” there are many variations in chromosomal combinations, hormonal patterns, reproductive organs, and anatomy. So far, medical professionals have identified over 40 intersex variations, with more being discovered as science advances. For many years, the medical community has defaulted to involuntary “corrective” surgeries for intersex infants and children, conducting non-lifesaving procedures to change natural variations in genital appearance or reproductive anatomy. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights supports bans on these types of surgeries. According to the Trevor Project, mental health challenges among intersex youth are disproportionately high compared to LGBTQ youth who are not intersex. interACT, an advocacy organization for intersex youth, has a great resource for therapists that underscores the person-centered and strengths-based approaches that are integral to social work, while providing additional context on lived experiences. For more context on individual experiences, the documentary Every Body (2023) tells the stories of three intersex individuals and discusses the harmful physical and mental effects of these surgeries. Additionally, intersex activist Pidgeon Pagonis published a memoir last year, Nobody Needs to Know. It's important for social workers to understand this context as we advocate for the dignity and worth of each person, and their right to self- determination. Whether we are working with clients with intersex traits, or with parents as they navigate caring for a child who is intersex, we need to be aware that individuals who are intersex face unique challenges. Among a variety of other changes, Kentucky’s House Bill (HB) 5 proposes rules that would criminalize people who are struggling with homelessness.
As we work to meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty, social workers must seek to understand the root causes of homelessness and find meaningful solutions to end homelessness in Kentucky. In the interest of improving safety for all Kentuckians, it is important to remember that there are many ways in which it is unsafe to be homeless, from to violence against people who are homeless, to exposure in extreme weather conditions, particularly in winter. People experiencing homelessness are far more likely to be the victims of violence than to commit violent crimes. There are many reasons people may not have a place to live. The National Alliance to End Homelessness points to a few main causes: Housing affordability and Income Here in Kentucky, more than 165,000 households struggle with extremely low income, and the shortage of affordable rental homes puts these Kentuckians at increased risk of becoming unhoused. Additionally, people with a criminal conviction, even a misdemeanor or an older conviction, face increased challenges when seeking employment and safe housing. Health Physical and mental health issues, including medical debt, can contribute to financial issues that result in being unhoused, and these health conditions can be made worse by not having a place to live. Additionally, not having an address or a reliable means of transportation creates additional barriers to accessing health care. Domestic Violence Last year, the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety cabinet released its first ever data report on domestic violence in the state, revealing that 45.3% of women and 35.5% of men have experience some type of intimate partner violence within their lifetime. Racial Disparities People of color, particularly Black Americans and Indigenous Americans, are overrepresented among those experiencing homelessness, with much of that inequity attributable to inequities in the criminal justice system. Moving Forward The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness suggests alternatives to criminalizing homelessness, with many of the suggestions involving social workers to help coordinate care. Multiple studies have shown that a Housing First approach is effective for improving housing stability and quality of life for people experiencing homelessness. According to the 2023 K-Count, which is a point-in-time count of persons experiencing homeless on a single night in Kentucky, we have more than 4,700 Kentuckians across the state who do not have a permanent address. About half of these people were in Fayette or Jefferson counties, with the other half counted across rural and urban areas. The Kentucky Interagency Council on Homelessness introduced a plan to end homelessness in Kentucky through a multi-pronged approach that works to address root causes, including financial assistance, connection to resources, medical respite, and other strategies. Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Summary: CY 2024
The final rule for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) in 2024 has been issued and will go into effect on January 1, 2024. This link is to the complete Summary: Please find a list of the changes that will affect clinical social workers below. Physician Fee Schedule Changes New codes:
Clinical Social Work Association The National Voice of Clinical Social Work On June 29th, the US Supreme Court declared in Students for Fair Admissions inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College that race-conscious admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina violate the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. Affirmative action is a policy that has long aimed to address historical discrimination and promote diversity in the United States. Discussions about its implications for education, employment, and society as a whole have ensued based on the Supreme Court's most recent decision. What are the potential consequences to this ruling? 1. Reduced Diversity: One immediate concern following the end of Affirmative Action is the potential decline in diversity within educational institutions and workplaces. Affirmative action strived to create equal opportunities for underrepresented groups, ensuring a more inclusive environment. With its elimination, there's a possibility that minority representation may decrease, affecting perspectives, experiences, and social interactions within these spaces. 2. Widening Achievement Gaps: Affirmative Action sought to bridge the achievement gaps faced by marginalized communities by providing additional opportunities. Without this policy, disadvantaged individuals may face increased barriers when competing for higher education or job opportunities. This could potentially reinforce existing disparities and hinder progress in closing achievement gaps. 3. Social and Economic Impact: The end of affirmative action has the potential to perpetuate socioeconomic inequalities. Historically marginalized groups may face difficulties in accessing quality education and securing well-paying jobs, ultimately impacting their upward mobility and economic status. This shift could undermine efforts to achieve social justice and equality. What does this mean for social workers? The US Supreme Court's decision to end affirmative action can potentially have an impact on social workers. Affirmative Action policies were put in place to address historical disadvantages faced by certain groups in society, and this included providing equal opportunities in employment and education. With the removal of such policies, social workers may need to adapt their approaches to address these disparities in a different way. They may need to actively work towards promoting diversity and equal opportunities within their practice, ensuring that individuals of all backgrounds have access to the support and resources they need. It is also important for social workers to stay updated on any new laws or regulations that emerge in response to this decision, as this could impact the way they navigate issues related to discrimination and inequality in their work. What other consequences arise from this decision? How can social workers find new ways to promote equal opportunity? Comment below. By Laura Groshong, LICSW, Director, Policy and Practice
Here are two issues which I hope you will all address with your members of Congress and your state legislature. For Members of Congress:
For State Legislatures:
Contact: Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice [email protected] BREAKING NEWSII WE HAVE A NEW COMMISSIONER FOR THE DEPARTMENT FOR
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, DEVELOPMENTAL AND INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES (BHDID) Please see Acting Commissioner Stephanie Craycraft’s note below and extend a welcome to Dr. Katie Marks Please join me in welcoming Dr. Katherine Marks to the position of Commissioner of the Department. I know that Dr. Marks will bring the same energy, enthusiasm, collaborative spirit, and dedication to the role of Commissioner as she has her previous role as the Project Director for the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE). Her efforts have been key to the expansion of a comprehensive, recovery-oriented system of care which has changed the lives of countless individuals in the Commonwealth who have been affected by the opioid epidemic. The Department’s efforts to facilitate recovery for Kentuckians affected by substance use and mental illness and to support those with intellectual or other developmental disabilities will undoubtedly be strengthened under Dr. Marks’ leadership. It has been a privilege to serve in the role as acting Commissioner for the past several months and to collaborate with our dedicated partners who are committed to meeting the needs of the people we serve. I look forward to continuing to our collaboration as I revert to my role as Deputy Commissioner. ************************** As of May 31st, the first round of required Medicaid renewals is in the books…and the results so far are very bad. Despite the best efforts of KY DMS, providers, the MCOs and advocates, only 50% of the 74,004 individuals who needed to renew their Medicaid coverage by the end of May actually did so. There were terminations of Medicaid coverage for 34,124 Kentuckians. Of nearly 6,000 Kentuckians who then became eligible for a Qualified Health Plan on kynect, only 460 have enrolled! 24,521 individuals on Medicaid have not responded at all to letters, calls or other communications to return the required paperwork...but they still have time!! DMS and the MCOs will continue to reach out to those 24,000+ Kentuckians who can still easily respond and keep their coverage retroactive to May 31st. After 90 days, they can still respond, but will need to reapply for Medicaid which will become active with their application. We must ALL reach out to every Kentuckians we know, work with or serve to urge them to respond to their letter from DMS or to contact a DCBS office or a kynector who can help them get their Medicaid coverage and benefits going again! On May 11, 2023, the World Health Organization announced the end of the federal COVID-19 PHE declaration.
Unfortunately, this does not mean that coronavirus does not exist anymore, rather that Covid-realated deaths have substantially decreased. The U.S. government’s approach to coronavirus will change, but how does this impact social workers? The end of the PHE has caused concern for LCSWs who work via telehealth with clients on Medicare (CMS). Firstly, the coverage of telehealth has begun to be limited by some insurers. This is concerning because telehealth increases access to healthcare providers, and limiting access to that may cause clients to stop receiving the care they need. Fortunately, The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 extended Medicare coverage of telemental health until December 31, 2024 but many commercial insurers did/do not follow CMS guidance. Secondly, after the December 31, 2024 date, clients will be required to be seen in-person at least once a year. Due to health risks, transportation issues or more, this could be virtually impossible for some clients. Audio-only telehealth appointments will not be covered following the The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 further alienating some clients from care. LCSW’s who use platforms such as Skype will need to change mediums. According to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), using such platforms was not seen as a violation of HIPAA rules during the PHR. Now, LCSW’s will be required to use a HIPAA compliant platform, such as ZoomPro,, and other platforms offer a Business Associate Agreement (BAA). Finally, there are changes to codes and modifiers for Medicare: ● New for CY 2023: Describes general BHI that a clinical psychologist (CP) or clinical social worker (CSW) performs to account for monthly care integration ● A CP or CSW, serving as the focal point of care integration furnishes the mental health services ● At least 20 minutes of CP or CSW time per calendar month ○ Additionally, the modifier for Medicare claims is “GT” though “95” can be used for other claims. More information can be found on the Clinical Social Work Association website. Info: |
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